Tuesday 13 January 2015

My Lush Desert Island Tag!

I have been thinking a lot about booking myself a little holiday somewhere this year and then I got to thinking what Lush products I couldnt "Live without" You never know when you could just be thrown on a Desert Island somewhere and told to only bring a few products! ;') 

Writing whilst watching Top gear we're getting onto the tag! However we got onto the Island we're aloud to bring three Lush items with us (They can be absolutely anything! even a bath bomb for a bath in the ocean)

1. Tea Tree Toner water - At the top of my list and my number 1 product of all time I would absolutely have to bring my true love toner water. No one gets to have an oily face going on especially whilst on a beach! This toner is Antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial so help prevant those nasty blemishes. Also in there is some beautiful waters such as Grapefruit that is ingiorating & refreshing and Juniperberry that helps balance out the skin and makes it look flawless throughout the day. 

2. Grass Shower gel - A new favourite of mine that I just happened to sample at work not thinking that I would really like seen as I seemed to go for the more sweeter Showergels like Rose Jam and Twilight. I wanted to make it a mission of mine to try as many showergels as I could get my hands on! so therefore I grabbed myself some Grass. Smelling excatly like grass it is packed full of fresh ingrediants like wheatgrass and full of enzymes, antioxidants and minderals that makes your skin have a beautiful healthy glow. There is also sea salt in there (an ingrediant that I love) to stimulate and soften the skin whilst the sandalwood in there banishes that dry skin. The scent lingers so well and so much on the skin, I decided to use it as my shampoo! now I have the scent all over and I shall be reviewing it very soon.

3. Eyes Right - Being stuck on a desert you wouldnt think you'd need a mascara but it will just make you feel that much better and presentable if you dont have anything else on your face. I know if i'm having a lazy no-makeup day I just add on alittle mascara and i'm set to go. I will review Eyes Right soon but for now it is my final Lush product that I would take to a Desert Island - made with wheatgrass to condition the lashes making them soft and lustrous. This mascara is very natural looking and easy to build up if you wanted a thicker look! it's also very easy to remove at the end of the day. 

I will therefore tag anyone who wants to try this fun little tag! Just make sure to tag me in it so I can see what you have chosen for your Desert Island! I will also tag;
          - My beautiful girlie Aimee over at Vanilla Petals +Aimee Wood
          - And the most amazing Lush Wiki blog allthingslush +Jen Wright 

I hope that you enjoy this tag and I can't wait to read some of your own!

Libby xoxo

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