Tuesday 13 January 2015

25 Facts about me.

I thought I would start off with a little personal blog post about myself! I have been reviewing and posting lots of Lush images on Instagram and I absolutely loved doing it so I decided to start I blog where I can chat about it even more! :') Hopefully I will get better at this whole blogging thing as I go along because right now i'm clueless!

1. I'm Elizabath, but everyone calls me Libby and my full name is Libby Marie-Rose.

2. I have a big love for ingrediants within cosmetics, along the lines of skincare, haircare and Makeup! one of my favourite brands that hold amazing ingrediants is Lush cosmetics! 

3.My Favourite Lush cosmetics products of all TIME are;

       - Dark angels face and body cleanser,
       - Big Shampoo,
       - Grass Showergel,
       - Tea Tree toner water.

4. I'm afraid of the dark and sleep with my fan on every night to sooth me to sleep.

5. I am a big believer in fate and everything happens for a reason.

6. I believe that I'm an oppimistic and a positive happy person.

7. I ampassionate dog lover but have 3 cats called Missy our black fluff ball queen (short for Mischief - which she is!) Tiger our loving and gentle stripey ginger male and Taz our little black and white dapper gentleman.  

8.I have a strong passion for Horoscopes and I'm Gemini proud!

9. My dream for the future is to have a job I love (somewhere within either costmetics, a museam or a gallery) with a husband, a lovely home with lots of puppies, eek!

10. I have a level 2 in the German Language, not far from fluent and spent many many months there. 

11. I want to travel the world and capture everything with my camera.

12. I study at Cambridge school of art in my final year at university studying Photography which I have loved since I was a child, German Language and Art History. 

13. I adore watching TV shows and Movies and at the moment I am watching around 20+ shows! like; The Vampire Diaries, Reign, The walking dead, American horror story, Modern Family, Pretty Little Liars, The 100, Gossip Girl, Game of Thrones, the list goes on...

 14. Favourite actor is Liam Neeson and my favourite actress is Ms Julia Roberts.

15. I adore BBQ Hunters Chicken!

16. My Favourite colours are Black, dark blue & dark green.

17. I Love wearing a raw healing stones as necklaces and at the moment I am wearing my new Black Tourmaline crystal, it's so beautiful!

18. I have a special mister in my life who is out of this world 

19. I had a dog named Sam, we were the same age and grew up together. He passed away when I was 15 and he will always have a special place in my heart. 

20. My mum and Sam would walk me to and from school every day from when I was a child and when the whole family went on Holiday to the US when I was 5 Sam escaped from a friends house and walked all the way to school (across two main busy roads) sat and waiting for me outside school the whole day thinking I would come out at home time.   

21. I am the biggest English steryotype loving Tea, scones, beans on toast and everything English!

22. I have a younger sister called Bailey who is five and we have the exact same birthday!  

23. I was born in Yorkshire I am a true Northern girl but lived in Cambridge for 2+ years so my accent is a strange mix of Northern and Southern!

24. I love spending my time reading books and have a big collections of them.

25. My final fact is I love meeting people knew so anyone please feel tree to message me about any similiar interests :) 

Libby xoxo